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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Roundtable

How can organisations committed to Diversity, Equity & Inclusion retain diverse talent and support their professional growth?

At our monthly BWAM Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Roundtable we’ll discuss the topic of retention and strategies that organisations should or have already put in place to create a sustainable workplace for Black women.

Join us for a candid conversation under Chatham House rules on Thursday, 3 June.

Featured Guest: Leanne Mair, Managing Director at LM Consulting


Leanne Mair is the founder and Managing Director of LM Consulting, a management consultancy a dynamic firm devoted to promoting gender equality in business. LM Consulting brings the extra focus of ensuring that Black women aren’t left behind.

 Leveraging both her professional (over a decade in financial services) and personal experience, Leanne founded this consultancy to work with companies who have gender equality, as well as racial equity on their agenda and want to take a focused approach.

 It is Leanne’s profound belief that it is possible for all of us – individuals and organisations – to envision and achieve transformative strategies that contribute to a more inclusive, gender equal world. A commitment to equity combined with thoughtful planning and powered by action are key to innovation and progress toward that goal. 

 Leanne is honored to serve as a Board Advisor to XOCO Unlimited, a non-profit organisation that partners with grassroots organizations and world-class companies to empower marginalized young women, helping them escape exploitation through education and global initiatives that promote system-level change

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